BICLIC: Biclustering for the comprehensive search of correlated gene expression patterns using clustered seed expansion


In this paper an algorithm is proposed for biclustering analysis. The proposed method is named as BIclustering by Correlated and Large number of Individual Clustered seeds (BICLIC). Unlike other past algorithm that depends on random seeds to start, the BICLIC perform the biclustering by using the individually dimensioned clusters.



The BICLIC use the initial seeds obtained from individual dimension clustering. For individual dimension clustering it uses the same concept as proposed in CLIC but for both gene and conditions. After getting the initial seed that are found from searching the overall dataset, the BICLIC expand the search for other bi-clusters. As shown in figure below it uses the Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC) to measure the similarity between the seed cluster and newly find clusters. Those clusters that are correlated with seed clusters but contain different genes will be considered as actually clusters. To expand the search for new cluster the BICLIC increase the row and columns in such a way that when PCC value maintain with in the defined threshold. Once the column expansion is done the same rule used in the expansion of rows. Then the rectangular region of is used to search the clusters and now reduction of rows and columns is performed till the threshold is met.



BICLIC is a biclustering algorithm, it utilizes the seeds obtained from the individual dimension clustering. The algorithm was implemented on R, and it is compared with three different biclustering algorithms on various performance measures.


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  1. Install
install.packages("", repos=NULL, type="source")
## Installing package into 'C:/Users/sypark/Documents/R/win-library/3.3'
## (as 'lib' is unspecified)

There are 18 functions included in the package BICLIC

  1. Working Example (Underconstruction)

Possible Improvements:

Comparison of Biclustering Algorithms:

A comparative analysis of biclustering algorithms for gene expression data, Kemal Eren et. al., Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2012

A comparison and evaluation of five biclustering algorithms by quantifying goodness of biclusters for gene expression data, Li Li et. al., Bio data Mining, 2012

A comparative study of clustering and biclustering of microarray data, Haifa Ben Saber et. al., IJCSIT, 2014

Biclustering on expression data: A review, Beatriz Pontes et. al., JBI, 2015